This new paperback by Steve Johnson came about after years of work in the nonprofit field. Johnson, who has helped promote nonprofit activity since 2009, worked as a small-town Chamber of Commerce executive director for three years, and felt the pressure and frustration of always having to beg for money, he recalls. Now, he’s sharing a 2-step system he put together after years of struggling so he can help small nonprofits raise more money in less time, with less stress, without them having to ‘reinvent the wheel’ and try to figure it out on the fly, he says.

“The 4-Hour Fundraiser” paperback version is now available on, and Johnson is busy with the buzz surrounding the new book like this from “The Nonprofit Navigator”…

Interviewer: Congratulations on publishing your new book “The 4-Hour Fundraiser” …Can you tell us more about the book and its purpose?

Steve Johnson: Thank you! The purpose of my book is to help nonprofit organizations raise more money in less time, with less stress. It provides all the tools needed to raise the money they need in just 3 weeks.

Interviewer: Three weeks is a very short amount of time to raise funds. Can you explain how this is possible?

Steve Johnson: Yes, it is possible with the right approach and tools. The book provides a step-by-step guide to creating a successful fundraising campaign that focuses on the most effective techniques for generating donations quickly.

Interviewer: What are some of the key strategies that you recommend in your book?

Steve Johnson: One of the most important strategies is to focus on creating a sense of urgency among potential donors. This can be done by setting a specific fundraising goal and deadline, and by emphasizing the impact that donations will have on the organization’s mission.

Interviewer: Many nonprofit organizations struggle with fundraising, despite their best efforts. What makes your approach different?

Steve Johnson: My approach is different because it focuses on the most effective and efficient fundraising techniques developed of years in the trenches asking for money. Along the way I have identified the strategies that work best and distilled them down into a simple, step-by-step process that anyone can follow.

Interviewer: Can you give an example of a nonprofit organization that has successfully used your approach to raise funds?

Steve Johnson: Yes, we have worked with a number of nonprofit organizations that have successfully used this approach to raise significant amounts of money in a short amount of time. One example is a local downtown merchants association that I talk about in my books, where more than $4,000 was raised in just three weeks using the strategies outlined in this new book.

Interviewer: What advice do you have for nonprofit organizations that are struggling to raise funds?

Steve Johnson: My advice is to stay positive no matter what, to focus on the fundamentals of fundraising, and to be persistent in their efforts. It’s never easy, but it is simple: set specific goals and deadlines, create a sense of urgency among potential donors, and make sure to communicate the impact that those donations will have on your organization’s mission. And of course, be sure to check out my book for a step-by-step guide to successful fundraising!


From The Author:

I wrote this book for a couple of reasons, and I put it together in a way that I know will help the typical nonprofit volunteer or board member or employee quickly learn how to be a star fundraising pro.

See, this is what sets this book head and shoulders above other books on this topic. Here’s why:

I’ve been involved with nonprofit fundraising for the past five years, for projects like job fairs and festivals and charity awards dinners. They are both the bread-and-butter of every nonprofit, as well as the bane of everyone involved with those nonprofits. The needs are endless. But the needs are important. You’ve got to find a balance between raising funds and doing good.

I wrote this book to help you not only find that balance, but to excel at raising money by stealing my simple, foolproof system that I reveal inside.

What is this book about? It’s a concise, to-the-point system that contains no fluff, all meat, no filler. Here’s the table of contents so you’ll have a good overview of what you’ll be getting:


My experience in the world of nonprofit fundraising

Welcome To The 4-Hour Fundraiser! What this book is… and what it isn’t

The Fundraising Mindset

Another last-minute fundraiser lands in my lap… and I just can’t say ‘No’
(even though I want to)

Fundraising Checklist

Fundraising Contacts Master List

Example Of My Successful “Ask Letter”

Your “Ask Letter” Worksheet

New Prospective Donor Form

My Fundraising “Permission Call” Telephone Script

Should You Pay For Automated Fundraising Systems?

Parting Thoughts

The 3-Week Fundraising Campaign Planner

What is this book NOT about?

This book is not fundraising theory or fundraising prospect psychology. It’s about what I’ve learned and put into practice to reach out, contact, talk to, email and collect money from local businesses that benefit from supporting their local community. You won’t find a bulky, meandering, wordy book inside. You’ll just get clear directions on what to do first, then what to do next, and how to finish up your fundraising project in two weeks or less.

Why it works? This book delivers a simple, direct, proven 2-step system anyone can learn and put into practice. It works for all nonprofits raising money for worthwhile projects because it tells your story and shows potential sponsors what ROI (return on investment) they will get out of it, in just a few phone calls and immediate email follow-throughs.

Who can profit from this book?

What sets this book apart from other nonprofit fundraising books on the market today?

How can you, the reader, trust me when I say this book will make your nonprofit money?

What’s the value? Actually, this book is worth more than $500 when you consider that $500 is what you’d pay just to get a good fundraising letter crafted by a professional. But the value of this book is that I show and tell you how to quickly contact, connect, and close prospects, and get your project done in record time, with no sweat, no fuss, no stress, no complicated, convoluted instructions.
What’s the alternative rather than using my “Easy Button” solution? Well, you can spend years trying to figure out this simple system yourself, or you can follow what is proven to work in short order. It’s your decision (though I know which one I’d pick!)

Why did I set up the flow of this book the way I did? Yes, there is a “Method to my Madness” at work here. That’s because I saw other nonprofit fundraisers struggle and sputter, I heard them “Stumble & Mumble” their way through painful phone calls, I watched how they fretted that their emails weren’t answered, and I crafted this book a certain way to overcome those obstacles and provide a clear path for anyone, anywhere, who wants to bring in bucks for the worthy nonprofit projects and events they truly believe in.

Overview: To begin with, I take you, the reader, through a preparation phase where I dissect the mindset it will take to turn you into a superstar fundraising pro. Before I reveal my proven system, I want you to get your mind right and realize that the fears and obstacles you will run into are nothing new, they are a part of the process, and I’ll share with you the ways you will gain confidence to go through those obstacles with ease.

I’ll go from explaining the mindset you need, to keeping your focus, to breaking out of your comfort zone limitations, to creating momentum and getting unstuck. Then, and only then, will I launch into the simplest fundraising strategy that you can start using the same day you learn about it.

(Note: There is a really great “Winning Mindset” offer from some of my friends. I like their stuff so much I’m an affiliate of their digital products, and if you buy, I just wanted to let you know I’ll be compensated, but you won’t pay any more than if you got it direct yourself. They even offer many of their products at zero cost. This “Winning Mindset” package is excellent for nonprofit fundraisers. I highly recommend it.)

Check out their free package “Build A Winning Mindset” today.

My advice: Skim through all pages of this book. Then turn back to the beginning, read about the “Fundraising Mindset” section to gain the proper attitude. Read about a recent fundraiser I was responsible for in bringing in over $4,000 in less than two weeks on the spur-of-the-moment local holiday fundraiser, and the successful outcome that launched a new community outreach program for our nonprofit that will pay big dividends over the years ahead, and read the chapters and done-for-you sections, lists, and fill-in-the-blanks templates in order. You’ll get the most out of this book in the shortest time possible if you follow this advice.

Most importantly, I want you to learn how to “play the law of averages:” game when it comes to fundraising for a nonprofit organization: You’ll win some, you’ll lose some. So what? Have a good project, make a good story, craft a good letter, make the calls, send out the emails, and some will support you, some won’t… so what? You’ll just need to keep positive, keep ‘Smilin’ & Dialin’ and keep at it.

Be grateful and thankful to have the opportunity to make great things happen. Don’t get sidetracked when you feel discouraged. That’s part of the process. Some people will say Yes, some will say No. When they say “Yes” tell them “Thank you!” When they say “No” tell them “Thank you!” Don’t take anything personal. Just take your time and apply this system, and you’ll succeed.

I have a saying I use all the time to stay motivate, and I hope you’ll steal this from me too:

“You can’t do everything at once – but you can do something at once. That something needs to be the ONE THING which needs to get done next, the ONE THING that needs to be tackled NOW!”

Say that to yourself when you feel stuck. You’ll be amazed how quickly clarity and confidence will push/pull you forward. You’ll be able to get more done in less time. You’ll be able to focus on your goal and reach it.

Finally, I want to thank you for stealing my system, and for being an important cog in the operation of your nonprofit. Few people will thank you for what you do. But I will. That’s because I know how vital it is that people like you exist – people who will reach out and raise money for worthwhile nonprofit causes. Put my system to work for you to make your job easier.

Now available … find out how to order your personal transformative copy today…. your choice of digital instant-download via PayPal or paperback/hardcover editions via